Universal Preschool News
In this section, you'll find editorials, legislation, public policy and trends
on issues relating to preschool, pre-kindergarten, childcare and the push toward
universal preschool education. Particularly of note are articles concerning the
states claim of a compelling interest in compulsory preschool education. Visit
often for the latest preschool news.
2-year-olds prepare for school with new program in Palm Beach County
Like many 2-year-olds, when Silvia Matute is home, she enjoys watching television.
Starting Tuesday, Silvia, along with 11 other students, will begin attending school at Highland Elementary in Lake Worth. As part of its child development program with the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County, Highland is offering a class for 2-year-olds, marking the first time the county's school district has served that age group in a public school.
by Kevin D. Thompson
February 10, 2011
[More Results from wptv.com]
Preschool Blues
E.J. Dionne surveys the defeat of a recent ballot initiative to fund universal preschool in California and concludes that liberals need to face the fact that the public remains deeply skeptical of big government programs.
Progressives have a lot to think about. For one thing, there remains a deep skepticism about government spending, even for the best purposes. On the same day the two propositions went down, voters in five California counties rejected sales tax increases, mostly to fund transportation projects. Attacks on tax-and-spend sound old and tired, but they still have force.
by Kevin Drum
June 12, 2006
[More Results from The Washington Monthly]
Preschool ads draw fire from critics
SACRAMENTO - Two television ads tell Californians that children who go to preschool are more likely to graduate from college. A radio spot describes a 4-year-old named Amy who is helping to improve the economy and fight crime simply by attending preschool
To most Californians, the ads may seem little more than public service announcements encouraging parents to send their young children to preschool. But to opponents of actor-director Rob Reiner's pending $2.3 billion universal preschool initiative, the spots feel more like taxpayer-financed political advocacy that primes voters for the June election. They criticize the fact that Reiner chairs the state commission paying for the ads and also leads the initiative campaign that may benefit by its message.
by Kevin Yamamura
December 23, 2005
[More Results from Contra Costa Times (CA)]
Labor of love lost
Rosie the goat loves to snuggle. But the kids who used to visit the brown goat and the other friendly animals at Barnyard Friends aren't coming back.
After a Samsula petting farm closed amid a bacterial scare, its owner struggles to cope. For some youngsters, Barnyard Friends was the first place they held a chick, milked a goat and rode a horse. The attraction was born years ago, when Sanders used to take a couple of goats and a pot-bellied pig for show-and-tell day at the preschool her children attended.
by Kevin P. Connolly
April 25, 2005
[More Results from Orlando Sentinel]
World Congress of Families II
"The learning tools -- vision, hearing, cognition, nervous system-- of
average children who enroll at today's early ages are not tempered for structured academic tasks.
Students lose physical and mental health from 1) uncertainty from leaving the family nest, 2) bafflement from social pressures and restrictions, 3) frustration from pressure to use their unready "learning tools" which can't handle the regimentation and routine of formal lessons, 4) hyperactivity growing out of tattered nerves warring against rigid studies, 5) failure which flows from the episodes above, 6) delinquency which is failure's twin, and 7) a sense of family lost, often including suicide.
by Raymond S. Moore, Ph.D.
April 11, 2005
[More Results from The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society]
Opinion: Redwood City School District
There's no free preschool The Mercury News reported Feb. 15 that parents in the Redwood City School District will get the first shot at enrolling their children in the county's first "free" preschool classes.
Whether one is philosophically in favor or opposed to the concept of universal preschool, selling the idea that it is "free" is misleading at best. Property owners and taxpayers of other venues know who will be footing the bill for those "free" preschools while organized educators statewide are crying to Sacramento for even more money.
by Mary Thompson
February 17, 2005
[More Results from The Mercury News - [free subscription required]]
Do Pre-K Center Care Programs Work?
A number of states have initiated, or are in the process of initiating, free pre-K center care programs for children from low-income families.
In the case of Smart Start and Kid Stuff, the states estimate that when fully implemented, these programs will cost in excess of $300 million per year.
During the past 40 years there have been five large-scale trials conducted to investigate the relationship between pre-K and developmental outcomes in children. We will examine each of these studies to see if they support the claim that high quality pre-K contributes to the intellectual, academic, and behavioral development of children.
by Verne R. Bacharach, Ph.D., Appalachian State University; Alfred A. Baumeister, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University; Jaimily A. Stoecker, M.A., C.A.S., Caldwell County NC Public School District
August 1, 2003
[More Results from Eagle Forum]
Much Too Early!
Realistic developmental needs in early childhood education and preschool, discussed by Professor of Child Development, Dr. David Elkind.
In one sentence, Froebel, father of the kindergarten, expressed the essence of early-childhood education. Children are not born knowing the difference between red and green, sweet and sour, rough and smooth, cold and hot, or any number of physical sensations. The natural world is the infant's and young child's first curriculum, and it can only be learned by direct interaction with things.
by David Elkind, Ph.D.
February 5, 2001
[More Results from Best Homeschooling.org]