
The media plays a central role in providing balanced coverage of the movement toward government funded universal preschool. We encourage you to include the cons along with the pros in articles and interviews on public preschool-for-all. While proponents have saturated the media with arguments in favor of government preschools -- very little coverage has been given to the opposition. Your readers, viewers, and listeners deserve to hear both sides of this issue so they can make informed choices about whether or not to support and/or utilize government funded universal preschool programs. We need open, vibrant debate and discussion about government pre-k programs before we vote to implement them.

To help you provide the argument against government preschools, we offer the opposing point of view at this website. We have archived preschool Research, Commentary, and News from reliable and renown resources (use our convenient search engine to pinpoint those relevant to your news story or article). We also archive Press Releases and Articles by We provide an FAQ, a one-sheet on the inherent problems with universal preschool, and a list of experts (including parents) to contact regarding pre-k stories.

Research, News, Commentary, Press Releases, & Articles

Profiles of Media Contacts

Scroll through our profiles of experts, researchers, educators, parents and even private preschool providers who oppose government preschools. They are all willing to provide comment and exposition on the looming threat of government universal preschools.