Home Preschool Curriculum!

Home Preschool Curriculum Guide

By Frances Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith
With Contributions By Annette M. Hall

Learning The Concepts Of Size, Colors, Shapes, Numbers, And Counting

Understanding Size

Big and Little

When you teach your children about big and little you're teaching them to observe and compare the world around them. Here are some simple activities that provide lots of comparison opportunities.

What's Bigger? A Lion or a Mouse?

Take a trip to the zoo and compare big animals like elephants and tigers to smaller animals such as lemurs and impalas. Or visit your local humane society or pet store and compare the size of dogs to cats to rabbits and to guinea pigs. Compare the size of animals of the same species, but different breeds - such as a German Shepherd with a Chihuahua, or a Lionfish to a goldfish.

Further the learning by reading the story "The Lion and the Mouse." Is it possible that a great big lion would need the help of a little mouse? This fun web site has an illustrated story about "The Lion and the Mouse" adapted by Tom Lynch

Identify Colors and Shapes

In order to help your child recognize primary colors and learn the names such as red, yellow, blue, green, white, and black -- talk about colors everyday.

Play I Spy Color Game

This can be played in the car, while out for a walk or in the house. Just say, "I spy, with my little eye, something that is red!" See if your child can guess what it is.

Recognize Shapes Such As
Circles, Squares, Rectangles, and Triangles

Talk about the shapes of things in your environment. The more you talk about shapes and the more your child observes them, the better they will understand.

Match & Draw Objects Based On Shape

Shape-Matching Concentration Game

Play a matching game with index cards. Make identical sets of index cards with a shape drawn on each card (so that you have 2 cards with circles, 2 with triangles, etc.). Turn cards over and match the shapes for a game of concentration. For beginners, have children match the shapes first without playing concentration.

For a variation, color the shapes and have your child match colors and shapes or just the colors.

Identify Numbers & Learn to Count from 1-10

Count out loud in front of your child when you are doing everyday things. Count objects with your child as you put away toys and games. Count the towels as you put them in the washing machine. Count silverware as you set the table. Count game pieces to ensure that you have everything for the next time you want to play. Count coins and change. If you demonstrate counting, you will show your child why knowing how to count is important.

Children's rhymes are great devices to help children remember how to count:

One, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door,
Five, six, pick-up sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them straight,
Nine, ten, start over again.

Counting Objects in One-to-One Correspondence

Have your child set the table for meals. As your child sets an identical place for each family member, he/she is practicing one-to-one correspondence.

Would you like MORE ACTIVITIES AND GAMES that you can do at home to help your children learn these concepts? You'll love our...

Home Preschool Curriculum

Fun and Easy Activities to Boost Your Tot's Brain Power
and Provide a Head Start on Early Learning

By Frances Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith
With Contributions By Annette M. Hall

Get ideas and activities to help you help your child understand the concepts needed to succeed whether they attend school or homeschool.

Preview some of the activities included in our Home Preschool Curriuclum on the following pages: