Holiday Decorating with Preschoolers!
By Karen Taylor
Preschoolers can have such an exuberant over-the-top sense of style. As parents, we might love their extremes in decorating when we're the only ones seeing it. But what do you do when other adults are going to be visiting your house over the holidays?
While there's no right or wrong answer, if you are on the fence and leaning toward letting your children participate in decorating every room in the house, I'm here to encourage you to do what your heart wants to do!
If your kids are part of the decorating team, there will be a few bonuses for them, including strengthening family ties and creating traditions that will last a lifetime. They'll learn to try out new ideas in a safe place. With plenty of art supplies on hand, they'll be motivated to stretch their imagination and gain confidence and leadership skills.
If for whatever reason, it just isn't going to work to let your children take on the entire house, consider asking them to decorate one room for you. Maybe it will be a less public family room or your bedroom. No matter what level of involvement, wonderful things will happen!
I probably had the most wildly decorated home on the block when my children were young, and now that they are adults, I look back with such fond memories at what they considered to be great style. As long as it wasn't going to damage something. I didn't say no because I didn't want to cramp their budding style. I have no regrets about those years when the sky was the limit when it came to decorating, and no idea was a bad one.

Be sure to take lots of pictures, because it's too easy to forget the wonderful preschool years! And don't forget those after holiday close—out sales where you can stock up on all sorts of sparkly things that your kids will just love next year!
Karen Taylor is the Contributing Editor for UniversalPreschool.com's Ezine.
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